Moving out of San Diego
(Hi guys sorry I fixed the link)
Helloooo everyone - I left San Diego!! Which seems bizarre to think about, but it’s happened. I think packing up my boxes into the car and finally emptying out my room made it feel like I was finally done with college.
After coming back from New York, I was actually pretty sick but tried to ignore the fact that I was sick so it was just me not taking care of myself and then getting sicker. It was not great lol. But I spent the first week back going kickboxing, hitting my favorite coffee shops (also peep my new coffee shops page on the blog hehe) and packing up my room. There was more to pack then I anticipated but I would just put on some music or YouTube videos and grind for a couple hours to get things packed. Going through all of the stuff in my room was strange because 1) I realized I have way too many clothes and have a serious shopping issue but also 2) that college went by insanely fast. I found brochures for school events, notebooks from my freshman year classes, and birthday cards from friends; it was crazy to think that this phase of my life is coming to an end and I’ll have to leave behind a lot of the people and memories that made college wonderful.
On Sunday the 16th I made a day trip to USC to take grad pics for Aditi and her friends. I always love being on the USC campus because it’s everything that UCSD is not lol; it’s a small, lovely campus with the typical brick-building feel that I always associate with colleges.
I spent the day there taking pictures for her and her friends - I always love seeing Aditi because whenever we spend time together it’s like no time has passed in between. But I think being out all day made my ongoing sickness even worse and the next morning I woke up with no voice and a painfully raw sore throat lol.
I spent Monday resting at home in bed, but then felt better enough to go out again on Tuesday. I kept up with kickboxing, coffee drinking, and seeing people. It was actually so great and much needed quality time with my friends.
I also spent a lot of quality time with Anya and Siyona, which is always really nice. The weather starting getting really nice towards the end of the week, and the three of us went out on a cute coffee date to MRKT space on Thursday, and just talked for a long time. I saw Varun that evening and we watched the sunset at Gliderport, which was gorgeous.
Friday was such a perfect day. I started off the day with kickboxing - my last class :sadface: Anya, Siyona, and I had a beach day on Friday because the weather was in the 70s - we packed a picnic and hung out at Del Mar beach for a couple of hours
It was actually warm enough to swim in the ocean, which was so lovely. I lost my sunglasses to the ocean - a sacrifice that I was not ready to make. After the beach we went to some rooftop complex close by and just sat there for a while chatting, drinking coffee, and decompressing. It’s so nice to have no responsibilities right now because I can fully enjoy days like that, spent relaxing and just living life without any hassle. We watched the sunset that evening and then Anya, Saket, and I got dinner together at Buona Forchetta South Park, which is one of my favorite Italian places in SD. We finished the night up with the new season of Indian Matchmaking and then went to bed. It was such a good day!!
Saturday was the day my parents were coming down from the Bay Area. They were coming down on Saturday to SD and we were going to drive back home on Sunday. I started off the morning by going to Holsem Coffee in North Park (one of my favorite shops) and got a bagel and coffee for myself to start the day I also went to Pigment and got myself some new sunglasses
. My parents were arriving later that day so I did some cleaning and last minute packing before they came. They finally arrived at around 3:30pm, and we went to La Jolla Shores for some food and beach.
Then I took them to Liberty Station - we hung out at Moniker and drank some good coffee before going to the Public Market and getting some food. Then we headed home to pack up the car with all of my stuff (mostly clothes…lol). My parents, my roommates and I chatted for some time which was cute. The roomies and I watched some more Indian Matchmaking and then went to bed.
My parents and I left San Diego and started our drive home at around 9:30 the next morning, with a long car ride ahead of us. We love to make a lot of stops lol so I knew we’d be on the road for at least 10 hours. On the way home we stopped in Santa Barbara it was my first time there and I reallyyyyy loved it. After a couple of stops and a lot of driving (none of it done by me because my dad wouldn’t let me drive) we made it home at 10pm.
It’s been 3 days since coming home and I’ve been just enjoying relaxing and being pampered. The weather has been in the 70s and 80s and I sit in the backyard everyday soaking in the sun and working on this blog. My neighbors dog barks at me frequently from his backyard - he’s kind of a brat to me but he loves my parents. His name is Buddy and he hangs out at my house sometimes - my parents take care of him when they miss the feeling of having a child in the house. But when I’m back home, he doesn’t come over too much because he knows I’m the princess of the household and he can’t compete with that. There are a lot of birds in the backyard - hummingbirds, robins, huge crows (which scare me) and a ton more. As I’m writing this, the crow and I are having a stare-down. All of the birds come and bathe in the many fountains and birdbaths my parents have in the yard. Our orange tree has a lot of blossoms right now and smells so good, and our pear tree is finally blossoming!!
The blog has been keeping me very occupied. I spent the whole day yesterday trying to figure out how to make an image carousel (again, check out the new coffee shops page for an example) and just refining some of the features. With jekyll these features have to all be manually created and added so it’s a little time consuming. The blog will be changing frequently so don’t be surprised if it looks different every time you open it lol. It’s nice being home but I don’t really leave the house at all. I feel like I’m in this weird limbo space because I’m in between different phases of my life right now. It’s nice but also I’ve never been one to enjoy having nothing to do - I miss my routine and work too much.
ANYWAYS, thank you for reading and being a subscriber to this blog. Even if you’re an involuntary subscriber and I just added you to the email list lol. This is my first time using the email list btw!! So let me know if there’s anything I should add / change / any suggestions you have for the blog in general. Stay tuned for more updates :)